AOL recently did a poll asking people to grade Hillary's 'electability' for President in 2008. The majority of the people gave her an "F." For the longest time, I've been trying to figure out what people, especially people who call themselves Democrats, have against Hillary. I'll admit, I'm not a moderate. Far from it. I'm as progressive and as far left as one could possibly get. Yet, I'll say that Hillary, a "moderate," would be a great choice. She's pro-choice, for affirmative action, gay rights, believes in the separation of church and state, her views on health care are good, she is staunchly against the privatization of social security, very much against vouchers, she does not believe in the death penalty, she is a very big advocate of gun control, and she understands that the wealthy do have the ability and an obligation to pay more taxes to help those less fortunate. That's not all . . . She supports immigrant rights, she is for
fair trade, she knows that the Patriot Act puts our civil liberties at risk, she is for stricter campaign restrictions, and despite her controversial comments on Iraq, her voting record shows that she supports immediate redeployment, and thinks the war is wrong. She has a good record when it comes to alternatives to coal and oil, and she is against the drug war. That sounds like a great candidate and a great leader to me. She is farther to the left than her husband was and he made it to Presidency. Then why can't she? I would really love to know what people have against her. Please send me your comments or email me at
Chipps54@aol.com If you email me, put "Hillary" in the subject box. Your thoughts are greatly appreciated.
The thing that scares people about Hillary is her assertiveness. It's not "proper" for a woman to be so bold.
My own opinions aside, I don't like the idea of another neopotistic election. We didn't do so well with the Bushes, and I don't want to set a precedent for a hereditary or family-business type of presidency.
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:26 PM
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