Preserve Net Neutrality!
Net Neutrality is in danger. This is a concern to you. Do you realize that the fact that you are reading this is because Network Neutrality exists. Net Neutrality is what protects online freedom. Right now, congress is getting ready to vote on either keeping network neutrality or getting rid of it. To see how this affects you, click here.
As you can see, some people do not like Internet freedom. Especially AT&T CEO, Ed "The Internet can't be free" Whitacre. Why would AT&T be against Internet freedom? Well, for one, getting rid of Net Neutrality would put even more power in their hands. And for another, because of Internet freedom, bloggers like me can point out that AT&T has formed illegal contracts with spammers and broken the law while invading the privacy of their customers.
Guess who else would benefit from the abolition of Net Neutrality? All of the corporate giants. Look up some of this country's top businesses and corporations, you'll see that they don't exactly have a perfect record either. Are these crooks the kind of people you want running the Internet? If not, support Net Neutrality.
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