In Defense Of Senator Kerry...

He made a joke. That's it. A joke. But still, people get pissed off. First of all, if it'll make you feel better, the joke was not an insult to our troops. Even I, an average blogger, can understand that. The main fact of it is this-- most of our troops do not have masters degrees. Because if they did they would be rich. And if they were rich, they wouldn't be in Iraq. How many millionaires do you see fighting over there. The band System of a Down once said "Why don't presidents fight the war, why do they always send the poor?" You see, it is always the middle class and poor citizens that are willing to stand up for our country. I know that and John Kerry knows that too. He was making a joke that the rich and successful don't have the balls to fight in a war. Okay? Got that?
Also, just a question-- if everyone can take him so seriously about what he said, then why can't they believe him when he says it is a joke and apologizes for it?
John Kerry is a war hero with three purple hearts. He knows what war is like. He also has a history of fighting for our troops. Why would he want to bash them? This entire thing was blown way out of proportion. He made a single joke and suddenly it is on every news station and newspaper in the country. Is this what we have become? Is this what our media has to resort to? Pathetic.
There are plenty of Republicans out there that have said things much worse than that, and they were serious about their comments.
The main point is that we need to focus on important things and stop being so childish. "Who's being childish?" you ask. I don't know, ask our soldiers.
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