Republicans: We Don't Need No Stinking Ethics!
Yes, apparently Republicans think that God belongs in our government but good ethics don't.
What's wrong with the new ethics reform bill? Here is how theWashington Post described the bill:
The Senate legislation, hailed by proponents as the most significant ethics reform since Watergate, would ban gifts, meals and travel funded by lobbyists, and would force lawmakers to attach their names to special-interest provisions and pet projects that they slip into bills. Lawmakers would have to pay charter rates on corporate jets, not the far-cheaper first-class rates they pay now.That sounds great. So, why are Republicans voting against it? Because they have an obligation to their corporate masters who are helping them run this country, that's why! Bust still, you would think that the Republicans, in all of their "morals and values" would support this bill. But I guess not.
We see it time and time again--hypocrisy from the Republican party. Very sad indeed . . .
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