The Conservative Voice, a conservative news website, ran an article yesterday entitled
Hillary Clinton Struck By Lightening. The article is another one of the right's pathetic attempts to bash Hillary Clinton. I just had to laugh at how churlish and evil these conservatives can actually be. Here are some of the things that the article had to say about Hillary Clinton:
Hillary Clinton is the embodiment of every divorced man's first nightmare. The witch that pointed her finger at them, scoldingly as if talking to a child, or a moron. She is the epitome of the opposite of all things feminine, of all things soft, kind, and alluring. She is the reason why a man divorces his first wife.
Pretty harsh words coming from the people of "moral values" huh? Well, it didn't stop there. The article went on to say:
Will anyone vote for Hillary? Yes. Lesbians will vote for her because she reminds them of themselves. A handful of bratty Scarsdale Lib housewives whose entire life revolves around the pre-school soccer practice schedule will vote for her.
And the best part of the article . . .
They [the conservatives] better take advantage of the situation and run Duncan Hunter. No Dem can outwit Duncan. ...little old ladies from Miami will vote for Duncan because he will not put their granddaughters on the front lines; Hillary will.
Why is that part so great? Because of the praise Amy Barath (the author of the trash-talking conservative article) gives Duncan Hunter, a Republican congressman from California. "No Dem can outwit Duncan." I just think it is so funny that the article goes on and on about how bad Hillary is, and then praises Hunter despite his background. Background? Oh, yes the dreaded "b-word" in politics. When I looked up Duncan Hunter's backgound, I found it to be full of fraud and scandals, which is not uncommon for a Republican. Here is what I dug up on Duncan:
* Duncan had his house listed on the tax rolls as a two-bedroom, 2 and a half bathroom house that was around 2,946 square feet. It was a lie. That home was actually a
six bedroom house with around 6,200 square feet of living space. Included on the property was a 2,000 square foot guest house, a tennis court, and of course a pool.
1* The
San Diego Union Tribune ran an article about the house in question in October (2006). In December, the house suspiciously burned down.
2 (Whether you look at this as a coincidence or not is up to you, but you cannot ignore the fact that he was cheating to get lower taxes)
Connection to the Cunningham scandal3Well there ya have it. I think that
The Conservative Voice might want to get their facts straight before they post another article like
Hillary Clinton Struck By Lightening. But the truth is-- that article that was written in
The Conservative Voice because the conservatives feel threatened. They are scared that Hillary--or Barack Obama, who is also mentioned in the article--has a chance at winning the 2008 Presidential race. The conservatives know that they are dying out. And as Michael Moore says, we should actually feel sorry for them instead of being angry.
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