What's Your Plan, Mr. Bush?

Today, the Washington Post reported that Mr. Bush has been criticizing Democrats for not having a plan in Iraq. Mr. Bush said that Democrats need to "plan for success." I want to bring to Mr. Bush's attention (and to the attention of any fool who believes this moron), that Democrats have been creating plans for Iraq. It was Mr. Bush was has been rejecting these plans. Democrats have been saying that we need a clear plan for Iraq ever since the war started! Democrats have been planning-- trying to create a timeline to bring the troops home, get the UN involved, etc. Not only are Bush's comments that Dems don't have a plan false, but completely hypocritical. What is Bush's plan? We've heard lots of "plans" from Bush and his administration. But he has never stuck to a single one. Let's go over them.
1. The original "plan" went with the original lie. Bush said we were going to Afghanistan to fight terrorism, something that even Democrats supported. Bush didn't stick to this plan, as he soon moved on to "plan" B.
2. Saddam. Al Qaida. Remember? Bush's said that there were ties between the two. So, the new plan was to go from Afghanistan to Iraq to get Saddam. We did that. So, why are we still there? Because Bush can't be consistent. On to the third plan.
3. "Bringing democracy to Iran." Even ultra-conservative, Michael Savage says this is a load of shit. He is right. If Bush wants to plan for success, this is definitely not going to work. See, these people don't want our democracy. And you can not ever give democracy to a people who do not want it. These people don't want it. The Islamic fundamentalists are still living with a stone-age dogma, what makes you think at all that they are willing to adopt modern day democracy?!
Mr. Bush also says that Democrats need to stop resorting to "harsh criticism." What? Have you been listening to anything he has been saying these last few months about Democrats and war critics? If you have been paying any attention at all, you will see that he is the one guilty of heavy criticism.
Mr. Bush, I stronly urge you to make some sense when you are talking. Until then, UP YOURS!
Yeah - Bush is a complete moron! Not only has he brought debt and disgrace to our country, he has brought utter shame and embarrassment to Christianity!
P.S. Thanks for your comments on my Bureaucratic Daycare blog. I left a response for you there.
Posted by
Dani Kekoa |
3:25 PM
P.S. You might be interested in watching this video MARTIAL LAW9/11: THE RISE OF THE POLICE STATE. It exposes Bush's involvement with the Saudis and the "terrorist" attacks on Sept. 11th.
"What's Your Plan, Mr. Bush?"
Uh – Duh? To make a lot of money and usher in the New World Order - No matter how many innocent lives are lost in the process.
Posted by
Dani Kekoa |
3:30 PM
The only plan Bush ever had is having U.S. Corporate control over Iraqi oil and having U.S. Military bases in the center of the Middle-East, to protect those interests. He just couldn't tell us that because, deep down, Americans are good people, and wouldn't have stood still for it.
Posted by
Unknown |
8:56 PM
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