TIME Magazine on Homework

I've always been a huge advocate for allowing young adults to be young adults. I've always been staunchly against homework, especially a lot of it! I was overjoyed when I found out that Time Magazine shared the same opinion as I did about homework. While going through the September issue of Time, I read a letter posted by a woman from Tennessee which said:
I was so happy to have read that. I wanted to post it on my blog right away. So, when trying to find it on Time's website, I found that Time had an entire issue dedicated to raising the issue that children get too much homework. Click Here for the online version of the issue. Or Click Here for the main article about homework.Claudia Wallis' essay "The Myth About Homework" [Sept. 4] cited studies that say homework makes kids hate learning. As a mother of four, I feel that homework not only dampens the flame of curiosity but is also the most aggressive foe of quality family time. Back in junior high school, I had a teacher who didn't assign homework. One day I asked him why. He said, "If I am doing the work I was hired to do, then my students shouldn't have homework." I agreed with him then, and I still do. We should be able to enjoy our children's company without the infringement of work that should be left in the classroom at the end of the school day.